Lots of you are still in process of maintaining Plone 3 sites for yourself or customers and didn't go to Plone 4 for some good reason.
The Plone 3 bundle is powered and tested with the latest Zope 2.10. This Zope version itself includes ZODB3 3.7. That has lots of issues that are now gone with later versions.
But wait, it's not possible to use ZODB3 3.10.x since it seems it requires Python 2.6. ZODB3 3.9.x too has too many API changes and it seems that we need to go to a full Zope 2.11 to support this lates version.
ZODB3 3.8 seems a reasonable choice to improve the persistence support of your Plone 3 apps.
- It compiles with Python 2.4- It has a lot of new features
- It has a lot of bugfixes
- It has lots of additional tests, thus should be more reliable
Have a look at to see all the details.
This sample buildout extends the standard "buildout.cfg" that comes with the ZopeSket template "plone3_buildout", and replaces the ZODB3 that comes with Zope 2.1.0 by the ZODB3 3.8.6 egg, as well as some Zope 2 components that need an explicit upgrade to cope with this new ZODB3 version.
# buildout.cfg as built from plone3_buildout ZopeSkel template
extends = buildout.cfg
eggs +=
skip-fake-eggs =
# Marked as additional fake egg in [zope2]
ZODB3 = 3.8.6
zope.proxy = 3.4
zodbcode = 3.4.0
tempstorage = 2.11.3
Some warnings and gotchas
- This configuration has been tested as simple instance deployment. I didn't yet test a ZEO cluster in such situation.
- This configuration has been tested successfully with only some well known third party extension : LinguaPlone, Collage, PloneFormgen, Ploneboard. Some third party Plone extensions that may play with ZODB inners should be tested in depth (run at least unit tests) before going in production.
Other things
If something is going wrong with this new ZODB, you can go back to the original ZODB3 that comes with Zope 2.10.x. Unless you have been playing with new storages and options that come with ZODB3 3.8.
Any feedback of others who tried this recipe or similar ones is welcome.
Comments !