
What's this site?

You are actually reading my professional IT oriented blog, and professional site.

Who's that guy?

My name is Gilles Lenfant. I have been an IT engineer for years in various jobs in that order:

I have been mostly developing applications in these technologies in decreasing skill:

Latest projects

This is a short list of big projects I have been proud to be involved in over these last years.


Energisme is a small consultant company that publishes a Web platform that helps the customers to optimize their energy costs (electricity, gas, water, heat, ...) with a Web platform that leverages machine learning and big data pipelines.

I contributed as lead developer in a team of 3 to feed the machine learning part with invoice data coming from energy provider (EDF, Engie, ...) in various formats (PDF, CSV, XML, ...)

Technical stack:
Python, Kafka, XML, MySQL, Azure Datalake, Gitlab-CI, Docker.


Mappy is one of the european leaders of maps and roadmaps services.

I'm actually member of the "route" team that draws journeys between cities, finds public transport solutions (train, bus), and draws roadmaps.

Technical stack:
Python, Tornado, PostGreSQL.


EvalUbik is an IoT security certification assistant that automates most IoT security hackings (passive sniffing, crypting method and key, password stealing, active identity theft, ...). Actually, LoRa, Sigfox, Zigbee, Bluetooth-LE devices automated security tests are supported. More to come in the future.

EvalUbik is ran by Digital Security, a company of IT and IoT security consultants.

Technical stack:
Python, Django REST framework, Celery/RabbitMQ, Autobahn + Crossbar WAMP router, AngularJS, Docker.

Assemblée nationale (french parliament)

Loix is a distributed application that agglomerates, filters, qualifies, adds semantics to data provided by various business application (mostly XML) into a structured documents database. That database being source of documents for various downstream applications, including OpenData publisher.

Technical stack:
Python, Flask, XML, ZeroMQ, Redis, eXistdb with XQuery, then MarkLogic with XQuery and NodeJS.

